About Emergency Preparedness
Your local health department is better-prepared than ever to respond to all types of public health emergencies. The department takes the lead in responding to outbreaks of communicable diseases like the flu, and may also be called upon to address the public health consequences of natural or man-made disasters (including terrorist attacks).
Buffalo Trace District Health Department has a preparedness team responsible for developing, exercising and updating the Buffalo Trace District Health Department’s emergency plans.
The federal government has increased preparedness for public health disasters as well. Medical supplies are stored at key locations throughout the country and can be deployed in just a few hours. Disaster medical teams can be dispatched, and disease surveillance has been improved.
Since 2001, Kentucky’s Department for Public Health (DPH) has received federal funds through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for public health emergency preparedness and planning. DPH collaborates with local health departments, emergency management, hospitals and other organizations to increase preparedness levels in the Commonwealth.
The preparedness staff periodically schedules public education opportunities. Check local media or call the District Office for dates and locations.
What can you do to be prepared?
No matter what kind of emergency may occur, all Kentucky residents need to take steps to prepare themselves and their families for emergencies
Ask yourself: If water, gas, electricity and phone service were cut off today (recall recent ice storms and tornadoes) – am I ready to respond?
Familiarize yourself and your family with the emergency plans of the areas in which you live and work – and with your children’s school emergency procedures. Have a plan if you are forced to evacuate your residence, as well as if you are confined to stay inside it. Know the closest hospitals and determine how you and your family members will get home if area transportation systems or routes are shut down.
For more information on developing a family emergency plan, click here.
For information on family disaster supplies kit, click here.
The Kentucky Department for Public Health recommends that families have a disaster supply kit in place for any emergency – a tornado or flood or any other risk to health and safety. For a list of recommended items, click here.
What can you do to help in an emergency?
The Buffalo Trace District Health Department sponsors a volunteer group called Medical Reserve Corps. These are medical and non-medical volunteers who have pledged to help the health department in times of disasters and emergencies. The local MRC was actively involved in helping provide immunizations during the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic. To learn more about how you can become involved in MRC, call 564-9447, ext. 130.
To learn more about emergency preparedness, visit these web sites: