All toys are not for all children
Christmas is on it’s way and has many parents and children alike counting the days until St. Nick’s arrival. But we all know Santa Claus never comes down the chimney empty handed. And what does he leave under the tree? Presents! Toys in all shapes and sizes.
All toys, however, are not for all children. Keep toys designed for older children out of the hands of little ones. Teach older children to help keep their toys away from younger brothers and sisters.
Even balloons. More children have suffocated on deflated balloons and pieces of broken balloons than on any other type of toy.
When buying toys as gifts, choose with care. Be a label reader. Look for and heed age recommendations, such as “not recommended for children under three.”
Look for other safety labels including: “Flame resistant” on fabric products and “washable/hygienic materials” on stuffed toys and dolls.
This message on toy safety was brought to you by the Buffalo Trace District Health Department wishing you a safe and healthy holidays!