Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

It is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Cervical cancer is when the cells in part of the uterus start to grow abnormally. Cervical cancer can be brought on by Human Papilloma Virus also known as HPV which can cause problems with the cells in the cervix. HPV is one of the more common viral STIs in the U.S. and roughly 14 million people become infected each year. In the cervix normally there are two types of cells that help protect it inside and out but with HPV it can integrate the two which may cause cancer over time. There might not be any signs or symptoms until the cells turn into cancer but some things to look out for are.

  • Vaginal discharge
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Odor
  • Pain

These symptoms can be caused by cancer, or it might be other health related problems. Cervical cancer can be prevented by routine screenings like pap smears and HPV testing and also being vaccinated again HPV.

For more information go to: https://foundationforwomenscancer.org/gynecologic-cancers/gynecologic-cancer-types/cervical-cancer/